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Jaehak Chung



Name   Jaehak Chung


Title   Professor, Electronic Engineering


Room   Hitech, #714.



2005~: Professor, Inha Univ.

2001~2004: Principle Researcher: Samsung Adv. Inst. of Tech.

2000~2001: Research fellow, The Univ of Texas at Austin 

1995~1996: Senior researcher, Center for Signal Processing, Yonsei Univ.

1990~1995: Senior researcher, Sindoricoh (in lieu of military service)





IEEE Senior Member, 2001

Samsung 1st Paper Contest, Gold Medal, 2004

IEEE SPM sponsored student program, IEEE, 2000

IEEE SPM sponsored student program, IEEE, 1999

Professional Development Award, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1999

Yonsei Outstanding Student Honor Scholarship, Yonsei Univ. Korea 1986

Journal reviewers: IEEE Tran. Comm., IEEE Tran. Signal Proc., IEEE Tran. Wireless Comm.

IEEE Tran. Veh. Tech., IEE Electronics Letter, IEICE Tran. Comm.